Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm

R&D Tax Credits Specialists

Helping UK limited companies secure R&D tax credits

Did you know that you can use R&D tax credits instead of raising additional finance?

Many business owners are not aware that they can claim for R&D tax credits to receive money back from HMRC. This can be in the form of reduced corporation tax payments (which frees up cash) or as a cash credit.

You can then use this money to purchase stock, acquire new assets, increase marketing spend, or to pay bills, sub-contractors and staff.

What’s more, you don’t have to be a scientific lab creating new life changing drugs or a NASA engineering firm developing rockets. You could be eligible by simply improving your production processes or by reducing your carbon footprint.

Evangate FS work with numerous R&D tax credit companies who are successful in processing tax credit claims across different industry sectors.

Fees as low as 15% depending on the claim amount**, and you don’t pay a penny until the claim has been successful and you have received the funds from HMRC – so no upfront costs!


Helping companies claim R&D tax credits

Calculator image to indicate spreading payments over 12 to 84 months

Claim up to


of qualifying cost

Pillars image to depict best deals from approved finance lenders

Specialists In


Industry sectors

Borrow up to 100% of net asset finance cost

Lowest Fees From


R&D Tax Credit Experts

Image to illustrate a quick finance quote

Quick Response

1 - 2 days

For New Claims

Image of person to indicate dealing with one broker

short Term

12 month


What is the R&D tax credit?

The R&D tax credit is an extremely valuable option for businesses that are looking to invest in innovation. It is open to companies* of all sizes, and there is no limit on the amount of money that can be claimed.

The R&D tax credit is a government incentive that allows businesses to claim back a percentage of their research and development costs. These can include staff costs, sub-contractor costs, software, materials and even utility costs. 

While the tax credit is most commonly associated with the tech sector, it is available to businesses across all industries.

For businesses undertaking innovative R&D activities, the tax credit can provide a valuable source of funding.

Speak with one of our team today, it only takes a few minutes.

R&D Tax Credit Claims

UK businesses are still at the forefront of innovation, solving problems, creating new processes, products and services for use across the world.

If you have been developing something “innovative” in the past 2 years, then you are likely to qualify.

The average qualifying tax relief is over £50,000. Just think what you could do with that sum of money coming back into the business.

What’s more, the funds get paid directly to you, which helps with cash flow.

The biggest barrier to processing R&D tax credit claims yourself – is business owners do not know what to look for, and how to tick the right boxes on the claim application!

That is why you should leave it to a R&D tax credit specialist.

They will identify all the qualifying costs, pull together the narrative relating to the project background and technical aspects, then submit the application on your behalf.

Meanwhile, you can focus your time and effort on running the business. 


Qualifying Sectors

Research and development occurs across all sectors. From the food industry, agriculture, to retail – every business has an opportunity to be innovative.

Evangate FS deal with multiple R&D tax credit companies, that is why we are confident that we can find the right expert for you.

And the companies we work with offer a 100% tax claim guarantee, should HMRC query the claim in the future. We are not aware of any other R&D tax firms offering such a strong commitment!

Whilst some tax credit consultants focus on a limited number of sectors, we can help with the following:

  • Accommodation & Food
  • Admin & Support Services
  • Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing
  • Arts, Entertainment & Recreation
  • Construction
  • Education
  • Electricity, Gas, Steam & Air Conditioning
  • Electronics
  • Energy Services
  • Engineering
  • Financial Services
  • Food & Drink Manufacture
  • Health & Social Work
  • Information & Communication
  • Insurance
  • M&E Services
  • Manufacturing
  • Mining & Quarrying
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Professional, Scientific & Technical
  • Public Admin, Defence & Social Services
  • Real Estate
  • Retail & Wholesale
  • Software & Technology
  • Water, Sewerage & Waste
  • Transport & Logistics

R&D Tax Credit Broker

Most R&D tax credit consultants or companies will charge a fee for processing your claim. But are you getting the best deal possible?

Kyle Robertson has witnessed small businesses being charged extortionate fees (as high as 25% – 30%) by R&D tax credit companies for processing simple claims.

He believes this is unfair – all because the business owner is unsure of the claim process or does not have the time to do it themselves.

That is why his customers leave it to him to broker a good deal from R&D tax credit experts, so his customers do not see their claim award disappear in fees.

Kyle only works with Chartered Tax Advisors, to ensure you have greater assurance that your claim is handled professionally.

Photo of Kyle Robertson



After a quick call to discuss the R&D activities that you have been undertaking, we will start sourcing the best tax credit specialist for you.

Start by completing the form or by calling us.



We understand that the sooner the R&D tax credit process is started, the sooner you will receive any qualifying tax relief.

We will arrange a free no obligation consultation within 24-48 hours.



We guarantee to provide you with a personal and friendly service.

This allows us to really get to know your business and focus on developing a strong, long-term relationship with you.

Business Customers We Have Helped

We love it when our customers speak for us.

Whether you need help to claim a R&D tax credit or to raise finance for a vehicle, property or to buy new equipment, speak to us.

Our goal is to get you the best deal that we can.

Next Step

Leave the hassle of checking if you are eligible for R&D tax credits to us. We will arrange for a R&D tax credit specialist to review and process your claim.

Contact us today by completing the form above or by calling 0800 488 0230. 

(Telephone lines are open between Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm)

R&D Tax Credit FAQs

If you carry out any non-standard work that would be difficult for a competent professional in your field to replicate, then you might be eligible.

There are three key criteria that you must meet in order for HMRC to approve the claim:

  1. Technical uncertainty – does every job you carry out or project you conduct have 100% surety that it will work or be successful? Probably not. The greater the level of uncertainty the greater the likelihood that your claim will be valid and approved by HMRC.
  2. Financial uncertainty – do you spend money on a job or project, such as salaries, wages or materials with the understanding that you may risk lose your capital? Especially if a job or project doesn’t go to plan.
  3. Systematic approach - do you do any level of design, trial and error and prototyping?

Yes, the R&D tax credit is available for small businesses. There are a few requirements that must be met in order for your business to qualify, but if you do qualfiy, the credit can be quite valuable. The R&D tax credit can be used to offset qualified research and development expenses, making it a great way to reduce your taxes and reinvest in your business.

There are many types of activities that qualify for the R&D credit, including:

  • Researching new products or services
  • Developing prototypes or models
  • Experimenting with new technologies or processes
  • Testing products or services in a lab setting or in the real world
  • Analysing data to see how consumers use your product or service


Those above are just a few examples. There are many more activities that could qualify for the R&D credit, so please contact us today to discuss.

Qualifying costs include employee wages, materials, and contracted research. It may also be possible to claim a percentage of utilities used during the R&D process, such as electricity.

It is typically a 12 month rolling agreement. So there is no obligation to work with the R&D tax credit company beyond the first claim. They don’t tie clients into a 4 or 5 year contract like some other firms do.

*Eligible for businesses registered as Limited Companies. Our brokers in the UK will explain the options available when we speak with you.

**15% fee if the claim amount is over £10,000. Fee is 20% if the claim is under £10,000.